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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 200

CH# 199
CH# 201
MHA 200: A resourseful general!! Mushrooms have popped up everywhere (and you can even sort of see Hagakure's shiloutte, lol.) It does the job of covering Kuroiro so that no one can see him. Her hero name is "Shemage" and she's able to spray a solution made of her cells that grow mushrooms everywhere. They disappear after two to three hours though. Kuroiro's hero name is Vantablack and he is hidden in the mushrooms. Flashback to when Kendo explains the plan -- she never expected Kuroiro to control dark shadow, just to force Tokoyami to use "light". SInce they know where the light source will be, they'll be able to control what actions Dark Shadow takes. Momo tries to get everyone to stay calm, but the other team is already on the move. The Comic dude --Manga Fukidashi has a quirk which allows him to make SFX real and he uses that to slice through the terrain, seperating Momo from the others. Kendo attacks her but she's able to make a shield in time, but Kendo promises she won't allow Momo even time to think. Todoroki however says that getting her alone was a mistake, as Momo's at her best when she's in a crisis. End. Chapter is only 11 pages Horikoshi's author comment: "Ah...about the page count....sorry. I'll do my best to return to a normal pace." You are reading Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 200 in English. Read Chapter 200 of Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga online on for free.

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CH# 199
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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 200

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