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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 234

CH# 233
CH# 235
A Gigantomachia flashback starts The flashback ends Gigantomachia and Re-Destro are facing each other Horikoshi's comment: He wants to see Spider-Man: FFH First Picture: Fukakai (Literally: Mass of/Ball of Burden?) Second Picture: Liberation/Release 80% Third Picture: With that degree of physical ability, you should have been able to touch one or two heroes in Kamino…! Both with meta abilities and now this… Are you saying you trained it? And this movement… He wouldn’t have acquired this skill unless if he survived through a horrible environment struggling for his life everyday. Foruth picture : "Don't cry..." Sixth picture : Translation by Nal#7805: Head...splitting. The skin around your eyes has gotten bad... Medicine, medicine... It’ll get itchy again if you scratch it You are reading Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 234 in English. Read Chapter 234 of Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga online on for free.

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 234

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