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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 243

CH# 242
CH# 244
Translated by fukuoka Chapter 243: Here we go! Endeavor Agency New Year's Eve Deku is home for a day with a Pro Hero guard. He talks to his mom about the joint training and his letter from Eri and his mom starts crying, she's just so happy or maybe worried. In a mansion somewhere Hawks went to buy coffee and then heads back to PLF headquarters. Slidin' Go fusses at him, "Stop flying around! I'm higher ranking than you in the PLF!" and Hawks respectfully gives him a PLF pose. But Chikazoku appears and gets all friendly with Hawks, saying Hawks has more influence than Slidin' Go and can get them insider information. Apparently they have micro devices attached to Hawks' wings and plan on exposing the heroes. The origin trio (Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo) decide to go to intern at Endeavor's agency and meet him. Endeavor tells them that honestly he only wanted his son to come. Deku notices that Endeavor seems changed since he saw him at the Sports Festival. In a flashback, Deku remembers All Might advising him that "If the two of you (Bakugo and Midoriya) are going to become top heroes then this is a chance you shouldn't miss out on". After that there's a villain attack and Endeavor tells them to stay back and watch him, but there they find Hawks too!? No chapter next week. Bakugo: It’s bothersome for me. Endeavor: Do you really get along with this boy, Shoto!? Bakugo: But it’s good if I can see how the top hero works. Endeavor: I told you that you should choose friends! Endeavor: Welcome to the Endeavor Hero Agency. No.243 Let’s go! Endeavor Hero Agency Villains including Hawks attack Endeavor with U.A. students. It’s end of this chapter.

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 243

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