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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 246

CH# 245
CH# 247
No. 246 Message "Tomura has his shirt off and is in an operation room with the doctor. Doctor: Let me ask, why do you want more power than you already have? Tomura: I'm not going to hate heroes anymore. I'm going to end it next time. Tomura sits on the operating table / chair and the chair moves and puts him facing upwards. It seems he's going to undergo some kind of surgery. Tomura is floating in an image as if he's emerging from a chrysalis. Doctor: The pain you'll experience over the next four months will be like hell. Overcome it and everything will be at the palms of your hands. Even OFA. The one power that didn't go the way AFO wanted. A smiling Redestro asks Hawks about the liberation army books he's been giving out (it's unclear if they're highlighted), and it seems Resdestro doesn't notice the code. He says Hawks seems to have read the books well and is a good way to advertise and get the attention of the younger generation. Endeavor reads the code from Hawks. Four Months, Rising to Action/Uprising, Until then, Sign, Send, If I, Fail, Be prepared, Numbers (Is the internship now the preparation for that?) Burning says that Endeavor is only going to work with Shoto personally, and tells the other two they'll work with her. Bakugo's mad and Deku tries to calm him down, Todoroki says that's not how he thought it would be. Endeavor then shows up and says "I'll be working with all three of them." A spread showing class A members at their internships. Then another spread showing All Might and class B, other students, Tsukauchi and Gran Torino who are probably at Tartarus with Kurogiri, plus Eri, Aizawa, Present Mic. The origin trio is changing clothes. Hopefully everyone can be smiling when the cherry blossoms begin to fall in spring..." Credits to Fukuoka for translating! (Too xd)

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 246

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