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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 254

CH# 253
CH# 255
Chapter 254 - More than anyone you should be a hero / should have been a hero Aizawa Flashback The three of them discuss starting a hero agency together. But then the incident happened right after that. Shirakumo: I think we can do anything as long as we're together. Mic: No arguing about money okay guys! They all look at Kurogiri Mic: We were called the three idiots of Class A, I don't get why this happened! Gran Torino: I assume his body was taken befor being cremated and he became this crazed toy they call Nomu... there's no meaning to it, DJ. Tsukauchi comments how the Nomu that Endeavor fought in Kyushu had a human personality. He tells the two of them he wants them to try and awaken Shirakumo again, and Aizawa and Mic are lead to where they are monitored but can speak with Kurogiri alone. Kurogiri is curious about Shigaraki. Kurogiri: My mission is to take care of him. Mic: What do you mean it's your mission to look after that brat Kurogiri: I don't mind it, I can't leave people like that alone. Aizawa remembers how Shirakumo picked up a stray cat and lent him his goggles to protect his eyes. While removing his goggles Aizawa then says, "Shirakumo, if you're still in there then let's do it... let's be heroes! The three of us!" My Hero Academia 5th Popularity Poll (Japan) Results: 1 Bakugo 22876 Votes 2 Midoriya 12373 Votes 3 Todoroki 11805 Votes 4 Kirishima 3374 Votes 5 Iida 2201 Votes 6 Shigaraki 1880 Votes 7 Aizawa 1543 Votes 8 Ochaco 1143 Votes 9 Toga 1104 Votes 10 Yaoyorozu 1083 ​​​Votes Hey, did you see the bad look on Era-sensei’s face when he left just now? Doesn’t he always look like that? No it was more than usual. Almost as bad as when he expelled us. Then whatever happened isn’t as bad as with us. I still have nightmares about that, I thought it was over for me... But thanks to that we were all able to grow Expelling isn’t something you do just to warn people!! Now all of 2-A have marks on our records! Eraser head! The power to both expel and reenroll? Credits to Mt. Lady for translating

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 254

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