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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 258

CH# 257
CH# 259
No.258 Friends (Nakama) Opening page: Deku, Todoroki, and Bakugo following Burnin' as she jumps in the air and gives orders We go back in time two months before the "heroes disappeared". It's been about one week since Hawks got the hint about the hospital and he's with the Liberation Front. Twice called Hawks to come over. Twice was assigned to be the leader of a unit and was told to speak on the principals of the PLF but doesn't understand them at all so wants Hawks to help him. The Liberation Front has divided their leaders up into units based on their strengths. It's take Hawks one month to get a clear understanding of their members. Human Wave Attack Unit - BLACK Twice Raid Unit - VIOLET Dabi Information Unit - CARMINE Toga Support Unit - BROWN Spinner & Mr. Compress *this is a rough translation, the unit/squads have fancier names As a spy in the Liberation Front, Hawks saw that people that agreed with the Liberation Front were people who hate and resent the current system. Hating the current system aka they wish for the annihilation of heroes. They plan to attack major cities, and then Redestro and Hanabata will move into areas that have become lawless with their own politics. They'll give out weapons left and right, give people the freedom to defend themselves, cause chaos, and replicate what AFO did. After talking with Hawks, Twice gives him a really nice look and says "You really are a nice guy!" Hawks: It's my pleasure (thinking: It's thanks to you, Jin Bubaigawara. When I heard that you had overcome your trauma I knew you had changed from just a little villain to the person I should be most cautious about) Hawks thinking: I knew you were a good person. Hawks remembers when he was teaching him about the Liberation Front's ideals on a whiteboard. Twice asked "Why do you know about the Liberation Front?" and Hawks tells him "I want to fly freely. That place (probably means as a hero) isn't where I belong." See Hawks look lonely, Twice says he wants to introduce him to Shigaraki soon. We then return to present time (end of March) Hawks Thinking: (You are) Twice: Anyone who tries to help their friends isn't a bad guy. Hawks Thinking: (A good person which means...) Twice: Let's fly however we want together! (please feel free to correct!!!) Changing locations, we're in front of the All Might statue at Ground Zero in Kamino. There's a little boy looking nervous about starting elementary school. Mother: Are you gonna do your best in first grade? The little boy is holding on to his Endeavor plushie and looks up at the All Might statue's fist. "Yeah!" We then see the Pro Heroes gathered together with Endeavor in the lead, and they're headed out somewhere. There are some U.A. teachers in their midst as well. The students find out that all of their internships are sending them on missions, and it's not just 1-A. They're all chatting about how weird it is they all are having missions on the same day. On the day of the mission: Burnin' points at the city below them, and tells the interns from U.A. "We're going to follow from behind and help with evacuation." The U.A. students are all together and we see on their faces how they all feel. Credits to Kailoo and sandychan for translating You are reading Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 258 in English. Read Chapter 258 of Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga online on for free.

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CH# 259
Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 258

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